Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

Last update: 12.04.2024

This document details TGZ Legal’s practice regarding the operation and use of the domain https://www.tgz.legal/ (hereinafter referred to generically as the Site), with the aim of informing users about this subject. By using the Site further, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the Cookie Policy, Privacy and Data Protection Policy and these Terms and Conditions.


  1. Identification of TGZ Legal

  2. Contact details

  3. Acceptance of the visitor to the Site with respect to the application of the Terms and Conditions

  4. Copyright of TGZ Legal

  5. Force majeure

  6. Personal data

  7. Data collection

  8. Reality of information provided by visitors to the Site

  9. Visitor/user responsibility when using the Site

  10. Modification of applicable conditions

  11. Third party websites/applications

  12. Security

  13. Privacy

  14. Applicable law and dispute settlement

  15. Final provisions

  16. TGZ Legal Identification Law Office Tegzes Ioan Alin (hereinafter TGZ Legal )

Headquarters: Romania, Timis County, Timisoara City, Zip Code 300402

Email: office@tgz.legal Tel: 0723 119 626 2. Contact details

The contact details that the visitor to the Site may use to submit any requests, notifications or complaints regarding the Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Data Protection Policy, Cookie Policy, as well as with any other information published on the Site, policies or operations carried out by TGZ Legal, are indicated in point 1 above. The deadline for TGZ Legal to send a response is no later than 30 days after receipt of the request.

  1. Site visitor’s acceptance of the application of the Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions are assumed by TGZ Legal and by visitors to the Site (i.e. you).

Accordingly, use of the Site by visitors/users automatically implies acceptance of all of the following and the policies referenced therein (where the law does not require additional steps to be taken to express acceptance), as well as the assumption of the obligation that they have the full and free right and ability to access the Site and provide TGZ Legal information. IF, HOWEVER, THE VISITOR DOES NOT ACCEPT OR DOES NOT FULLY AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR OTHER POLICIES DISPLAYED, PLEASE DO NOT USE THE SITE, DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTERS AND DO NOT SEND MESSAGES USING THE “CONTACT” BOX OR BY CALLING THE NUMBER DISPLAYED ON THE SITE AND INDICATED IN ART. 1 ABOVE.

  1. Copyright of TGZ Legal

TGZ Legal owns all intellectual property rights (including copyright) in the Site, its name and any information contained on the Site (including but not limited to blog articles). Within the limits indicated in the previous paragraph, the content and design of the Site, as well as any other material related to the Site belong to TGZ Legal (TGZ Legal is the copyright holder) and are protected by intellectual property law. Visitors to the Site shall not act in any way that may infringe the rights of TGZ Legal and undertake not to use any sign or name similar or identical to the marks or names used by TGZ Legal on the Site (including but not limited to “TGZ Legal”).

TGZ Legal shall in no event be liable for any loss of use, contracts, data, goodwill, revenues or profits (whether or not considered direct claims) or any loss, damage or expense suffered by visitors/users arising out of or in connection with the Site.

  1. Force majeure

Neither party shall be liable for any failure to fulfil its obligations if such failure to perform on time and/or properly, in whole or in part, is caused by an event of force majeure. The parties agree that such an event may be the virus infection of the Site or the IT platform behind it for reasons not related to an action of TGZ Legal, not requiring a certificate issued by an authority in this regard, but informing (by e-mail or on the Site) the affected persons. To the extent that the legislation applicable to personal data provides for other obligations in such cases, TGZ Legal will comply with those legal conditions.

  1. Personal data

Personal data are processed in relation to:

  • the conditions to be fulfilled in order to send replies to requests of any kind received by TGZ Legal through the “Contact” section and telephone discussions
  • sending information for the purpose of promoting products subject to obtaining user consent where required by law (“Subscribe”) For extensive information on how such data is processed, please study the Privacy and Data Protection Policy.
  1. Data collection

TGZ Legal collects information from visitors/users in three main ways: directly, from traffic reports recorded by the servers hosting the Site, and through cookies.

  • information obtained directly

Data is collected when you access the Site; when you fill in the data in the “Contact” box or by telephone through recorded conversations and the “Subscribe” box. The processing is carried out as indicated in the Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

  • information obtained from the server traffic report

When a website is visited, users automatically reveal certain information, such as IP address, time of visit, location from which the website was accessed.

TGZ Legal, like other operators, records this information and processes it in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

  • information obtained through cookies

The site uses cookies for better functionality. Depending on the preferences chosen by visitors/users, the Site may also use other types of cookies in order to facilitate the tracking of preferences as well as traffic data and to promote certain aspects. For more details, please review the Cookie Policy.

Visitors to the Site should also be aware that whenever they voluntarily disclose personal information in online communication environments (such as online forums, social networking sites, discussion groups), the information disclosed can easily be collected and used by unauthorized persons.


  1. Real information provided by visitors of the Site

When filling out the forms on the Site under the “Contact” section and during telephone discussions with TGZ Legal representatives, as well as when subscribing to newsletters, visitors/users agree to provide TGZ Legal with true and valid data.

Also, by using the Site, each visitor/user assumes that he/she can take the required steps when filling in forms and sending messages, is over 18 years old and can express valid consent (where applicable), freely and without the need for prior approval from a third party that has not been obtained by the visitor/user.

If the data provided undergoes any changes, visitors/users are obliged to inform TGZ Legal immediately so that it can comply with its legal and contractual obligations.

  1. Visitor/User responsibility when using the Site

Visitors/users are solely responsible for choosing, obtaining, configuring and maintaining the equipment used to access the Site.

Thus, TGZ Legal does not offer any guarantee with regard to aspects concerning, among others: the compatibility of the Site with the hardware and software used by visitors; the effects of the use of the Site (including but not limited to the generation of viruses), as well as the conforming and trouble-free operation of the Site. However, TGZ Legal’s liability with respect to the processing of personal data is not excluded by this clause, nor is it reduced below the minimum permitted by the specific legislation in this field.

It is forbidden to insert references and links to the Site, copy/modify/transmit/publish/use in any way the information indicated in the content of the Site, without the express, written and prior permission of TGZ Legal.

In addition, visitors declare that they will use the Site only for lawful activities that do not infringe the rights of third parties. Furthermore, they will not submit documents or requests pretending to be another person, nor will they take any action that could affect the integrity of the Site or the data contained therein (including but not limited to viruses, deletion or modification of information, electronic abuse, fraud, use of personal data without right).

Failure to comply with the obligations set forth herein, as well as with any other obligation established by law for visitors to websites, will result in their liability and the obligation to cover damages caused by the culpable act.

  1. Modification of the applicable conditions


TGZ Legal reserves the right to modify/update the content of the Site, including the policies referenced, at its sole discretion, at any time and for any reason (including but not limited to the occurrence of legislative or case law changes that may affect the consequences of what is posted on the Site). Future revisions to this policy will be indicated by a change to the “Last Updated” date at the top. After the date on which the updated policy is published, access to the Site will constitute the visitor/user’s acceptance of the updated terms.

However, if there are significant changes that could affect the rights and freedoms of users, information will be made by publication on the Site (pop-ups) or by sending e-mails to the addresses provided if applicable. Such significant changes will take effect for visitors/users within 30 days from the time of the display of the pop-up in question or the transmission of the e-mail by TGZ Legal (the manner in which the information will be given will be decided by TGZ Legal on a case-by-case basis).

Regardless of the extent of the change, however, the responsibility for checking the content of the Site (including the Terms and Conditions and posted policies) to keep up to date with the latest versions remains entirely with the user.

TGZ Legal also has the free and exclusive right to limit/refuse access to the Site (without applying discriminatory measures and only in compliance with legal provisions), and to suspend or even close this Site with immediate effect, as well as to modify any of its functionalities.

  1. Third-party sites/applications

The website may contain links or references to other companies’ websites/applications. Such websites/applications may contain terms and conditions or policies that differ from those of TGZ Legal, or may have reduced security measures. ACCESS TO SUCH LINKS AND THEREFORE TO THIRD PARTY WEBSITES/APPLICATIONS IS AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE VISITOR.

Also, advertising sections may be included in the content of the Site where advertising messages from third parties will be displayed. TGZ Legal is in no way responsible for the content provided by third parties, whether or not it is advertising, nor for the way in which those third parties agree to comply with their legal obligations.

  1. Security

This Site is protected by competitive security systems. However, like most websites and applications on the Internet, it cannot be completely free of vulnerabilities.

Therefore, information submitted by visitors using the Site may be subject to privacy and security breaches that are beyond TGZ Legal’s direct control (such as the transmission of unsolicited spam messages, viruses on the equipment used, theft of IP addresses, unauthorized access to e-mail) and for which TGZ Legal assumes no responsibility, although it tries to avoid such unpleasant events.

  1. Privacy

The privacy of data of visitors to the Site is an important issue for TGZ Legal.

Our Privacy and Data Protection Policy forms an integral part of these Terms and Conditions and may be consulted by the user at any time.

  1. Applicable law and dispute settlement

The rights and obligations of the parties (i.e. visitors/users and TGZ Legal), as well as all the legal effects produced by the activity of the Site, will be interpreted and governed by Romanian law and the provisions of European legislation. The settlement of all disputes may be made by mutual agreement within 15 days after TGZ Legal has sent a notification or TGZ Legal has received a notification to this effect under the “Contact” heading or using any other contact details from those indicated in point 1.

If a consensus cannot be reached within this time limit, the matter will be referred to the common law court at TGZ Legal.

  1. Final provisions

This policy applies to TGZ Legal and users of the Site.

This document is part of TGZ Legal’s set of security policies. Other policies may apply to the topics addressed in this document and will be revised as specific needs arise.