
Cookie policy

Last update: 12.04.2024

The information presented below is intended to provide the user with more details about the placement, use and management of „cookies” used by the website (hereinafter referred to as The Site).

By using the Site, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to this Cookie Policy, the Privacy and Data Protection Policy and the Terms and Conditions published on the Site.


  1. List of cookies
  2. Identification of the data controller
  3. Personal data protection contact details
  4. General information
  5. The purpose of cookies
  6. Definition of cookies
  7. Main categories of cookies
  8. Advantages of cookies
  9. Cookie lifespan
  10. Cookies placed by third-parties
  11. Use of cookies by the Site
  12. Information processed through cookies
  13. Recommendations for the use of cookies
  14. Security and Privacy issues
  15. Tips for a safe and responsible browsing based on cookies
  16. How can cookies be turned off
  17. Final provisions

1. List of cookies

CookieDurationThe role of the cookie
_ga2 yearsThis cookie is used by Google Analytics to distinguish users.
_gat1 minuteThis cookie is used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate.
_gid24 hoursThis cookie is used by Google Analytics to distinguish users.

2. Identification of the data controller

Law Office Tegzes Ioan-Alin (hereinafter referred to as TGZ Legal)

  • Headquarters: România, Timiș county, Timișoara, zip code 300402
  • Email:
  • Tel: 0723 119 626

3. Personal data protection contact details

The contact details that the visitor may use to submit any requests, notifications or complains regarding the Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Data Protection Policy, this Cookie Policy, as well as with any other information published on the Site, policies or operations carried out by TGZ Legal, are indicated above.

The deadline for TGZ Legal to send a response is no later than 30 days after receipt of the request.

4. General information

The Site uses its own and third-party cookies to provide visitors to the Site with a much better browsing experience and services tailored to their needs and interests. In what is known as „Web 2.0”, „cookies” play an important role in making it easier for users to access the services they enjoy on the Internet by customizing certain settings such as language in which a site is displayed or the currency in which prices are displayed.

5. The purpose of cookies

The role of cookies is to:

  • Provide website and app owners (including TGZ Legal) with valuable feedback on how their sites are used by visitors, so they can make them even more effective and accessible to users;
  • Allows multimedia or other applications from other sites to be embedded on your own site to create a more valuable, useful and enjoyable browsing experience.

6. Definition of cookies

The term „cookie” refers to technologies that automatically collect certain information. An „Internet cookie” (also known as a „browser cookie” of „HTTP cookie” or simply „cookie”) is a small file of letters and numbers that will be sorted on the user`s computer, mobile device or other equipment from which the internet is accessed.

The cookie is installed by a webserver`s request to a browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, Chrome) and completely „passive” (it contains no software, viruses or spyware and cannot access the information on the hard drive of the user who installed it). A cookie consists of 2 parts:

  • name
  • content or value of the cookie Cookies themselves do not require personal information to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify Internet users. In addition, the lifespan of a cookie is limited from the moment it is set. Technically, only the web server that sent the cookies can access it again when a user returns to the website associated with that web server.

Cookies themselves do not require personal information to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify Internet users.

7. Main categories of cookies

Session cookies

These are temporarily stored in the web browser`s cookie folder for the browser to remember until the visitor exits the website or closes the browser window (i.e. when logging in/out of a webmail or social media account).

Persistent cookies

These are stored on the hard drive of a computer or hardware (and generally depend on the default lifespan of the cookie). Persistent cookies also include those places by a website other than the one the visitor is currently accessing – known as third-party cookies - which can be used anonymously to remember a user`s interests so that the most relevant advertising can be delivered to visitors.

Thus, some cookies are only used for a single session (session cookies) and are no longer retained once the user has left the site and some cookies are retained and reused every time the user returns to that site until the expiry date – which can be minutes, hours, days or even years (permanent or fixed cookies).

Session cookies and persistent cookies are indicated separately at point 1.

Cookies can be deleted by the user at any time via browser settings.

8. Advantages of cookies

A cookie contains information that links a web-browser (the user/visitor) to a specific webserver (the Site). If a browser accesses that webserver again, it can read the information already stored and react accordingly. Cookies provide visitors with a pleasant browsing experience and support the efforts of many websites to provide convenient and user-friendly services: i.e. online privacy preferences, language choices or relevant advertising.

Cookies are managed by web servers. The lifespan of a cookie is limited and can vary significantly depending on the purpose for which it is placed.

Some cookies are used exclusively for a single session (session cookies) and are no longer retained once the user has left the website and some cookies are retained and reused each time the user returns to that website until the expiry date – which can be minutes, hours, days of even years (persistent or fixed cookies). However, cookies can be deleted by the user at any time through browser settings.

10. Cookies placed by third-parties

Certain sections of content on some sites may be provided through third-party/providers (i.e. a news box, a video or an advertisement). These third-parties may also place cookies through the Site and they are called ”third-party cookies” because they are not placed by the owner of that website. Third-party providers must also comply with the applicable law and the Site owner’s privacy policies.

11. Use of cookies by the Site

Cookies store information in a small text file that allows the website to recognize a browser. The web server will recognize the browser until the cookie expires or is deleted.

The cookie stores important information that enhances your web browsing experience, depending on the type of cookies deployed, as well as identifying usage errors.

A visit on the Site may place the following types of cookies: a. Cookies required for the functioning of the Site b. Performance cookies c. Visitor analytics cookies d. Geotargeting cookies e. Advertising cookies f. Cookies from third-party advertising providers

These cookies may come from the following third parties: Google Analytics, Facebook pixels, Intercom, Hotjar; Please see more information about each type of cookies below:


This type of cookie retains the user`s performance regarding the Site, so that they do not need to be set each time you visit the Site.


Each time a user visits the Site, analytics software provided by a third-party generates a user analytics cookie. The cookie provides TGZ Legal information about whether a user has visited the Site before and helps to optimize the interaction with the visitor. Your browser will tell you if this cookie is set and if not, one will be generated. It allows tracking unique users visiting the Site and indicating the frequency of visits. As long as a visitor is not registered on this Site with a user account, this cookie cannot be used to identify individuals and is only used for statistical purposes. If you are registered, we may also know the information you have already provided to us on that occasion, such as your email address and password – these are subject to confidentiality and the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, and the provisions of the personal data protection legislation applicable.


These cookies are used by software that determines from which country visitors of the Site originate. The cookie is used to optimise the interaction with users and is used anonymously and only for content targeting purposes – when you visit the page in English or in another language, you receive ads in that language.


These cookies allow TGZ Legal to learn whether or not a visitor has viewed an online advertisement , what type of advertisement it is, and how long it has been since the visitor saw the advertisement. These cookies are also used to target online advertising, keeping information about the content viewed and not about the visitors. We may also use third-party cookies for enhanced ad targeting. These cookies are anonymous cookies through other sites/apps on which we advertise. Once we receive them, we may use them to recognize you as a visitor to that Site and if you later visit the Site, we may provide advertising based on this information.


Some of the advertising that you find on the Site belongs to third parties. Some of the parties use their own anonymous cookies to analyze how many people have been exposed to a message, or to see how many people have been exposed to the same advertisement multiple times. For example, when you share something using the social media button on the Site, that social network will record your activity. Third-party cookies may be used to display targeted ads to you even on other sites/apps, based on your browsing preferences recorded on the Site.

12. Information processed through cookies

Cookies store information in a small text file that allows a website/app to recognize a browser. The web server will recognize the browser until the cookie expires or is deleted.

The cookie stores important information that enhances the web browsing experience, depending on the type of cookie deployed, but also those that identify usage errors (i.e. the language settings in which the user wants to access the Site; keeping a user logged into their webmail account).

13. Recommendations for the use of cookies

Cookies are essential for the efficient functioning of the Internet, as they help to generate a user-friendly browsing experience, suited to each user`s preferences and interests. Refusing or disabling cookies may make some sites/applications inaccessible.

Refusing or disabling cookies does not mean that the user will no longer receive online advertising; instead, it will no longer be able to take into account the user`s preferences and interests, as evidenced by their browsing behavior.

14. Security and Privacy issues

Cookies are NOT viruses! They use plain text formats. They are not made up of pieces of code so they cannot be executed not can they auto-run. Consequently, they cannot be duplicated or replicated on other networks to run or replicate themselves again. Since they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses. However, cookies can still be used for negative purposes. Because they store information about users` preferences and browsing history, cookies can be used as a form of spyware, both on private sites/applications and on other sites/applications. Many anti-spyware products are aware of this fact and constantly mark cookies for deletion in antivirus/anti-spyware removal/scanning procedures. Browsers generally have built-in privacy settings that offer different levels of cookie acceptance, validity period and automatic deletion after the user has visited a particular site/application.

As identity protection is extremely valuable and a right of every internet user, it is best to be aware of the potential problems that cookies can create. Since they constantly transmit information to and from the browser and the Site, if an attacker or unauthorized person interferes with the data transmission process, the information contained in the cookie can be intercepted. Although very rare, this can happen if the browser connects to the server through an unencrypted network (i.e. an unsecured WiFi network).

Other cookie-based attacks are due to incorrect cookie settings on servers. If a website does not require the browser to use exclusively encrypted channels, attackers can use this vulnerability to trick browsers into sending information through unsecured channels. Attackers can use the information to gain unauthorized access to certain sites/applications. It is very important for users to be careful when choosing the best method to protect their personal information.

15. Tips for a safe and responsible browsing based on cookies

Given their flexibility and the fact that most of the visited and largest sites/applications use cookies, they are almost inevitable. Disabling cookies will not allow the user access to the most popular and widely used sites/applications, including YouTube, Gmail, Yahoo and others.

With a clear understanding of how they work and the benefits they bring, users can take the necessary security measures to browse the Internet with confidence.

Users will customize their browser cookie settings to reflect a comfortable level of cookie security for them.

If the user us not bothered by cookies and is the only person using the computer, they can set long time limits for storing browsing history and personal access data. If the user shares access to the computer, he may consider setting the browser to delete individual browsing data each time the browser is closed. This is an option to access sites/applications that place cookies and to delete any visit information at the end of the browsing session.

Constant installation and updating of antispyware applications

Many spyware detection and prevention applications include detection of website/application attacks. This prevents the browser from accessing sites/applications that could exploit vulnerabilities or download dangerous software. Users will ensure that their browser is always up-to-date. Many cookie-based attacks are carried out by exploiting weaknesses in older browser versions.

Cookies are everywhere and cannot be avoided if the user wants to access the best and biggest sites/applications on the Internet – local or international. With a clear understanding of how they work and the benefits they bring, the user can take the necessary security measures to browse the internet with confidence.

Thus, the user can customize their browser cookie settings at any time to reflect a comfortable level of data security and cookie usage.

16. How can cookies be turned off

Disabling and refusing to receive some cookies may make certain sites/applications unusable, only partially usable or difficult to visit and use. Furthermore, refusing to accept cookies does not mean that visitors will no longer receive/view online advertising. It is possible to set your browser to refuse these cookies or to set your browser to accept only certain categories of cookies.

All modern browsers offer the possibility to change cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the „options” or „preferences” menu of the browser. The user is also asked to use the cookie options bar in the Site for this purpose.

Thus, the visitor can at any time change his choices regarding the cookies for which his consent is required by unchecking the appropriate box. These settings can be found in the permanently available pop-up at the bottom of the page, where you can choose between Choosing all cookies and changing cookie settings manually - Choose cookie by preference. Visitors may therefore choose to express their consent to the use of one, several or all cookies that do not fall into the category of those indispensable for the use of the Site or for the transmission of communications, and to change their decision in this regard at any time, without this in any way affecting their ability to navigate the Site.

To understand these settings, the links below may be useful. Alternatively, you can use your browser`s „help” option for more details.

Cookie settings in Microsoft Edge

Cookie settings in Firefox

Cookie settings in Chrome

Cookie settings in Safari

for third-party cookie settings, see also the website:

Also, if you want more information about cookies and what they are used for, the following links are recommended:

Microsoft Cookies guide

All About Cookies

Privacy information related to online advertising

Details on confidentiality issues—increasing-and-enhancing-yourinternet-surfing-experience/what-are-cookies-how-do-they-work—cookies-faq.aspx

17. Final provisions

This policy applies to TGZ Legal and to visitors of the Site.

TGZ Legal reserves the right to change/update the content of the Site, including the policies referenced, at its sole discretion, at any time and for any reason (including but not limited to the occurrence of legislative or case law changes that may affect the consequences of what is posted on the Site). Future revisions to this policy will be indicated by a change to the „Last Updated” date at the top. After the date on which the updated policy is published, access to the Site will constitute the user`s acceptance of those updated terms.

However, if there are any significant changes that may affect the rights and freedoms of the visitors, they will be informed of such changes by easily visible indications posted on the Site (pop-ups) or by sending e-mails to the addresses provided if applicable. Such significant changes be effective for visitors within 30 days from the time of the display of the pop-up in question or the transmission of the e-mail by TGZ Legal (the manner in which the information will be provided will be decided by TGZ Legal on a case-to-case basis).

Regardless of the extent of the change, however, the responsibility for checking the content of the Site (including the Terms and Conditions and posted policies) to keep up to date with the latest versions remains entirely with the user. Thus, REVIEWING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND THE PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION POLICY, AS WELL AS THIS COOKIE POLICY, IS A MUST FOR VISITORS TO DO EACH TIME THE SITE IS ACCESSED AND BEFORE ANY RECORDS OR DATA PROVIDED, WHEN CHANGES MAY OCCUR.

This document is part of TGZ Legal`s set of security policies. Other policies may apply to the topics addressed in this document and will be revised as specific needs arise.